Media Translation

Media in our modern world is considered from the strongest influential things on people worldwide as TVs, computers, and mobile phones became in the reach of everybody. This allowed all people to be able to access anyone of them very easily to be up to date with what happens around them nationally and internationally whether in the political or economic or sports or artistic or forecast or social fields. Since media has an effect on humans, it is its duty to transfer facts to the people. This is why there should be no translation mistakes in this sector because this would ultimately lead to the transfer of wrong concepts to other cultures. For that, Manethon for Translation Services seeks to offer specialized and accurate translation in this sector as well as to preserve the transfer of the content meaning from the source language to the target language to ensure there are no mistakes. The categories we offer translation in, to name a few, are the following:     

News articles | TV & Radio reports | Press releases | corporate communications | All media and journalistic related translation needs.